Authors |
Ryabokon Maria Vladimirovna, Postgraduate student, National esearch Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (23 Gagarina avenue, Nizhny Novdorod, Russia),
Chernomor Maxim Sergeevich, Master’s degree student, National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (23 Gagarina avenue, Nizhny Novdorod, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. In conditions of the competition among universities talented university entrants and students the study of the procedure of university selection and decision making by entrants is of particular importance. The most important aspect that affects the behavior of entrants is the interaction with admission offices of universities during admission campaigns. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of interact ion between students and universities in the admission process.
Materials and methods. The research tasks were implemented through studying entrants’ evaluation of the admission office’s work quality and the effectiveness of the system of university admission informing. The study was based on a questionnaire survey of students from Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (n = 989).
Results. The authors studied the most important sources of information for entrants about the admission to the University, as well as some characteristics of the entrants’ searcingh behavior in the admissions process.
Conclusions. The research has allowed to estimate the effectiveness of communication channels with university entrants, to obtain entrants’ evaluation of the admission office’s work quality. The entrants’ searching behavior in the admissions process has also been analyzed. Of particular importance for applicants is the search for information on the official University website and the communication with the admission office staff. The study results can help develop proposals to improve the organization of university admission.
Key words |
university entrant, university selection, communication, social interaction, social behavior
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